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Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

Ben Franklin (Reviewer) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 09:53

Caught it this morning on GMTV; and it looks awesome! Really cannot wait to see it now.

Apparently they were saying that early reviews have said its actually the best of the trilogy. Anyway, did anyone else see it - what did you think if so?

Just found a link on AICN so here it is!

"The Internet is a communication device that allows people the world over to bitch about movies and share pornography with one another."

RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

mattski (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 10:47

Yeah I just downloaded it...hmmm. A lot of it seems to be an amalgam of the first two. Some of the CGI looked fairly horrible but it did enough to make me think that I`ll probably go and see it. Now if it was a trailer for `Return of the King`... :D

RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

movie_buff (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 10:50

I just hope this year can redeem itself with this and return of the king, after the poor showings of hulk, reloaded, daredevil etc.........

PS. A mate of mine went to see underworld on my recommendation & he said there was a new return of the king trailer attached!!!!!!!!!
"It`s proper Bo a` tell thee......"

This item was edited on Friday, 26th September 2003, 11:52

RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

floyd_dylan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 15:57

looking forward to this!!!!!

Reloaded was very intelligent, and very cool, can`t wait to see this.

Once upon a time, a woman was picking up firewood. She came upon a poisonous snake frozen in the snow. She took the snake home and nursed it back to health. One day the snake bit her on the cheek. As she lay dying, she asked the snake, "Why have you done this to me?" And the snake answered, "Look, bitch, you knew I was a snake."
Natural Born Killers

RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

cirdan (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 17:05

i was also told by someone who saw underworld the other day there was a rotk trailer. i didnt think it was out till today. it is online from monday, or sunday if you are on aol i think, did they do something similar with ttt trailer this time last year? i assume the one in the cinema is the same one that will be up online.

RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

foofighter (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 19:58

Im with Floyd on this and is the 1 film im looking most forward to this year

RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

dvdhouse (Competent) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 20:08

Yeah ive seen it on the end of m rel....loks good, one of the must sees b4 year end

RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 20:20

Seen it, saved it, capped it. I cannot wait to see this film. end of line...

RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

Oscar Wallace (Elite) posted this on Friday, 26th September 2003, 21:15

Suppose to be the best of the three films.


RE: Anyone else seen the new Matrix Revolutions trailer?

jeffthegun (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 27th September 2003, 17:15

Of the winter hype fests, its gotta be Kill Bill for me.

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