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Page 1 of microsoft error code 1006-4

PCs & Mobiles Forum

microsoft error code 1006-4

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st June 2014, 13:04

My netbooks hard drive had failed, so we replaced it & re-installed a fresh win 7 as I did not have a recovery disc , but have got the product key.
I then tried to install  office 2013 from an email link with the product key embedded, but after 8 %  error 1006-4 comes up.
Mircroft wants £65 to fix it. They won't tell me what me what error 1006-4 represents. They say it is out of warranty as  it is over 90 days from the very first time install.
Basically, after 90 days of first install, they want to extract more money from us instead of fixing the bugs etc.
I would appreciate for any tips on how to fix this problem as I am no good when it comes to computers.

RE: microsoft error code 1006-4

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 21st June 2014, 14:24
Thanks from: hunsbury0

RE: microsoft error code 1006-4

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 21st June 2014, 20:30

Thank you Rob.
I had seen this but I did not think that it applied to me as this was for someone who experienced when trying to uninstall, but I was trying to install it.
But I took your advise & it worked.
MS would not divulge what 1006-4 was & were trying to extract £65 for their help!!
I am truly disappointed with MS with their so called "support".
It has now been installed thankfully with Rob's help.

RE: microsoft error code 1006-4

RJS (undefined) posted this on Sunday, 22nd June 2014, 10:01

hunsbury0 says...
"MS would not divulge what 1006-4 was & were trying to extract £65 for their help!!"

Yeah that's just disgusting considering how rich they are. :/
Glad you got it sorted!


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