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Page 1 of Homeplug question..

PCs & Mobiles Forum

Homeplug question..

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Wednesday, 2nd November 2011, 18:05

hi guys :)  i`ve been using 3 80meg homeplugs for a while now, mainly because it`s convenient, & generally more stable than wifi,  but i recently moved house, & where i am now, the homeplugs dont seem to be working any where near as efficiently,  as an example, on my broadband connection i can normaly download at a steady 2.2mbps (20 meg connection) but when i put it through the homeplugs i max out at around 700kbps,  i`ve tried changing it around, & even just using 2 homeplugs connected directly to the modem, cutting out the router etc, but no joy..  the things just dont seem to like the house..  but it doesnt vary,  it`s allways 700kbps (ish)  it doesnt become unstable, like it might if something where interfering with it etc.

so my question is, would i get any benefit from 500mbps homeplugs ? ie, would i get the relatively faster speed,   or are they likely to be handicapped to 700kbps like the 80 meg ones ? 

thanks in advance.


RE: Homeplug question..

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 6th November 2011, 12:36

anyone ?


RE: Homeplug question..

ste_p0270 (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 6th November 2011, 12:45

not sure mate?

can`t see how changing plugs will help tbh. with the 85Mbps ones you have there
should have plenty of throughput without the need to increase them. you stated 
that they worked fine at your previous house, but now don`t? can`t see all three
plugs "breaking" all at once.

it`s probably down to the wiring in your new house... 

have you tried removing devices which could cause interference, such as extension
cables and the like?

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RE: Homeplug question..

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 6th November 2011, 16:42

yeah,  i`ve done all the usual stuff :(  i was hoping that if i got a couple of mbps on the 85meg sockets i might get 5+mbps on the 500mbps plugs,  which would be ok for streaming most stuff :(

oh well, it was worth asking..


RE: Homeplug question..

Jimbo :oÞ (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 6th November 2011, 19:06

Don`t these things work by using the earth of the electrical wiring?
Therefore couldn`t moving the *router* one to a different socket possibly cure it?
Or could you have two ring mains (common if an upstairs and downstairs) and something interfering or not crossing over between them...?

Jimbo : oÞ

"There`s that word again... is there a problem with the Earth`s gravitational pull in the future?"

RE: Homeplug question..

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 5th April 2013, 15:39

just an update here,  got a pair of 1gig belkin homeplugs,  (£35 for the pair inc delivery)

i`m now getting my full speed out of my 60meg line,  can`t tell you what direct pc to pc transfers like as i only have one pc set up at the mo,  but considering i was only getting around 5 meg from my older 85meg plugs, i`m perfectly happy with them :)


RE: Homeplug question..

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th April 2013, 21:29

I have just ordered these from Amazon - TP Link 500 twin pack for £33.57 as these have uk fittings, I did not want to use the euro ones with adaptors.

RE: Homeplug question..

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 6th April 2013, 21:51

the adaptors that come with the belkin ones fit right into the euro plug (they are the official ones that come with the belkin retail box)  kind of like the ones that come with some mobile chargers.

personally, i`d have stuck with the much faster 1gig plug for the extra £7 ?


RE: Homeplug question..

hunsbury0 (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 6th April 2013, 22:38

Ogster you are right that the Belkin ones are worth the extra £7 for the 1G ones. I have now cancelled the Amazon order & instead ordered the Belkin ones.
Thank you Ogster for your tip.

RE: Homeplug question..

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Sunday, 7th April 2013, 09:02

no worries m8,  lemme know how you go on with them,


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