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Page 1 of Recommend me a movie

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Recommend me a movie

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 13th October 2012, 09:24

Seeing as how you`re your all movie buffs, I think you`re just the people to help :)

I have a friend coming over on 22nd for a sort of date with a movie and movie collection is kind of pathetic, so I`m gonna have to go buy/rent something and haven`t a clue what to get!  Asking what sort of films he likes gives me "anything except horror" and I`ll watch anything as long as its not gorey or likely to make me cry.

So, any ideas of a suitable film?

This item was edited on Saturday, 13th October 2012, 10:24

RE: Recommend me a movie

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 13th October 2012, 09:35

Anything Avengers, or battleship is a good bit of escapism (disengage brain first).


Writer`s Release

RE: Recommend me a movie

WD423 (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 14th October 2012, 19:46

True Grit. A good old fashioned western with John Wayne.

RE: Recommend me a movie

bandicoot (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 14th October 2012, 22:16

Kung Fu Panda...... CGI cuddly animals in China, very uplifting story, very inscrutable, and very very funny. (Jack Black stars as the panda).

RE: Recommend me a movie

Mark Oates (Reviewer) posted this on Monday, 15th October 2012, 00:21

"Anything except horror"?   Sounds like a keeper to me.  I`d go for something fairly recent and sort-of date friendly without being too chick-flicky (if you`ll pardon the expression).  American Pie: ReunionDark Shadows?

J Mark Oates`re all NUTS!!!
James Henderson "Jimmy" Finlayson (1887-1953)

RE: Recommend me a movie

fluff_n_stuff (Elite Donator) posted this on Saturday, 20th October 2012, 09:08

Thanks gents...looks like it`s between kung fu panda and American Pie:Reunion...I`ll let you know how it goes Tuesday :)

RE: Recommend me a movie

sj (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th October 2012, 09:26

Avatar, Avengers?

Kung Fu Panda`s OK - actually preferred the sequel.


We will pay the price but we will not count the cost..

RE: Recommend me a movie

RJS (undefined) posted this on Saturday, 20th October 2012, 11:00

Hope it goes great, and he deserves you!


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RE: Recommend me a movie

Chris Gould (Elite) posted this on Saturday, 20th October 2012, 23:47

That leaves an awful lot of films. Would be easier if you said what sort of feature you`re leaning towards.

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