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Is this legal?

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 20:22

Heres the story:

A friend of mine works for a well known Pizza chain restaurant.
Recently they have changed their tips policy and monies etc.
To conform with the Uk laws now the tips received for a waiter/ess on a card will go through the till and show on wages now instead of cash in hand. Fair enough. They`ve escaped long enough - one thing though the compnay now take a 10% cut of all tips that go through this way as an "admin fee".

Anyway, i digress.
The real problem is this. From this week the waiters, instead of using the till to give change the waiter must now carry a bum-bag of change. So they are in charge of their own money - if its down at end of shift then they must make up the difference.
Heres the joke - the thing i think is a liberty and maybe illegal. The waiter must bring in to work their own float of twenty pounds each shift. yes they get to take it away each shift (if its correct) but I think its a bloody joke that they have to provide this themselves when its the company they are making money for!!!
Is this legal? Do the waiters have to provide this?

What say you?



I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which i`m dying are the best i`ve ever had.

RE: Is this legal?

Pete-MK (Elite Donator) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 20:40

Unless they signed something to say they would provide their own float, I`d say no. Part of their contract should state that the company will provide everything for them. This mainly pertains to uniform, but I`m pretty sure it would extend to a personal cash flot too.

This is just laziness on the part of the company. What if your friend needs to spend the money on an absolute necessity? (Fuel, perhaps) Does that mean he can`t work?

Tell him to get the hell out of there. They`re dead-end jobs anyway.


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RE: Is this legal?

aja007 (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 21:06

This is totally illegal!

You should name and shame the organisation concerned!

RE: Is this legal?

Choagy (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 21:54

Not too sure but I believe an employee cannot be forced to make up any shortfall in the till receipts etc unless the employer can categorically prove beyond ALL doubt they actually stole the money.

Choagy FFCUK The SPL :)

RE: Is this legal?

Rassilon (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 21:57

P***a The Hutt?

I consider myself an optimist, albeit an optimist with cynical tendencies and a dark side that Lucifer himself would find a little creepy. (Perhaps you've noticed.) You don't normally associate cynicism with an upbeat pov. But I have exactly that combination and will defend it.

RE: Is this legal?

Andy_R (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 22:01

A tip is for the employee and employee only! Its not negotiable between themselves and the employer......

I`d tell them to cook their own pizza and make it as spicy as hell and rough round the edges and to stick it firmly up their ass.....

This item was edited on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 22:01

RE: Is this legal?

Robert Terwilliger (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 22:23

My sister is a chef in a family run hotel/restaurant and all the tips are taxed, but not added to the wages, they get a seperate pay packet at the end of each month with their share of the tips, as far as I know the employers dont take any `admin fees` from the total...

As far as providing your own money for the float thats unbelievable! :o Id tell em where to shove their bloody pizzas >:(

"If I had time....and a hammer, I`d track down every bootleg copy and smash it........"
- George Lucas

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RE: Is this legal?

1mills (Elite) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 23:39

I used to work in Scumdonalds when I was younger and you got a warning if your float was out by a quid. The thing was that they used to give you someone else`s after the end of their shift if they couldn`t be arsed counting it up, so if that person`s down your knackered and they don`t get any blame.

Plus the main outrageous one is your not allowed to go until your till has been cashed up, fair enough, but if it was busy they would refuse to cash it up and would say you HAD to work the overtime (without overtime rate might i add).

I was there once for an extra 2hours, plus this is after being forced to have your 45mins lunch break 10mins after you get there at 8` o clock in the morning and then working straight through from 9-4 without a break or in this case 9-6.

My fault really for not telling them to ram it, but when its the store manager doing it and your younger and need the money you think you haven`t really got a choice.

The other scam the arseholes had was all stores in an area get ratings per the hour for staff working to sales. To make sure that their targets were up if there was a 35min where it was pretty quite they would tell staff they had to go home early (unpaid aswell) not even taking into account that the theatre across the road would be finishing after and that they had only left 3staff to run the whole store for the next four hours and to do all the cleaning etc that 6 or 7 would be expected to do.

All that, and I still think working for o2 was my worst job.

Re: tips. I`m not a 100% on this but unless they have all been given new contracts I don`t think they can just take 10% administration charge for processing tips. I hadn`t actually seen this law has been introduced, I know in America they just have a set amount of tips you are expected to earn and are taxed on that whatever.

My DVD collection

RE: Is this legal?

Zippy123 (Competent) posted this on Tuesday, 21st November 2006, 23:45

Odd but tips belong to the employer.

Floats I know nothing about but it sure does not sound right. Seek advice from Citizens Advice

RE: Is this legal?

Gavski (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 22nd November 2006, 08:29

Will do.

Its the Hutt, its the other one. That`s quite fast...

any lawyers verdicts on this?

I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which i`m dying are the best i`ve ever had.

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