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Page 1 of xbox 360

Gaming and Consoles Forum

xbox 360

thehan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2007, 17:29

My xbox 360 keeps freezing after around 20mins playing on it.It is now approx 1 year old.Any remedies to stop the unit from freezing.

RE: xbox 360

M. (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2007, 17:55

Place a small fan heater alongside or slowly tip a warm mug of horlicks into the dvd tray being carefull not to scald yourself in the process that should gradually bring it`s temperature back up to something a littel more healthy?

Or alternatively call M$ support and report it to see if they will cover it under their 3 year warranty - it will only get worse on it`s own not better. If they won`t cover the repair bill then wrap it in a towel until in gives 3 red lights then call them back and tell them it just got worse then they will cover the repair bill :D


RE: xbox 360

thehan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2007, 19:31

Thanks for that. :) My son got in touch with MS to be told the year warranty was up. >:( He bought it less than a year ago through Amazon. :/ I`ll show him your words of wisdom(not unsimilar to my own comments to him) 8). I thought it was covered for more years myself . :$

RE: xbox 360

apt (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2007, 20:22

Sarcasm is more difficult to detect on the internet. I take it you realise he was joking about the "freezing" remedies.

If not, be sure to use the original Horlicks and not some cheap supermarket own brand for best results. And take it out of the freezer .

RE: xbox 360

thehan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Thursday, 20th September 2007, 21:23

I also was being sarcastic but grateful for the answers I got in the message.We will be taking the first answer up on their advice so mr comedian where`s your next gig?

RE: xbox 360

galaxy (Competent) posted this on Friday, 21st September 2007, 10:33

I understand that the 360 has 2 years warranty, backed by microsoft over the numerous failings. :/

RE: xbox 360

M. (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st September 2007, 12:14

If it`s less than 12 months old why not also take it up with Amazon and explain that MS are claiming it was purchased over 12 months ago and put the ball in their court, they may ship you a replacement themselves under these crcumstances?


RE: xbox 360

thehan (Mostly Harmless) posted this on Friday, 21st September 2007, 14:46

Did as you suggested and Amazon are going to send out a new Xbox.Thanks to everyone who replied to my thread.

RE: xbox 360

MADTheOgster (Elite Donator) posted this on Friday, 21st September 2007, 14:54

i thought M$ where covering the 360 for 3yrs if it`s 3 red rings :) either way, leave it switched on long enough & it`ll do the rings for you, then your covered :)

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RE: xbox 360

M. (Elite) posted this on Friday, 21st September 2007, 20:16

You`re welcome, i`m usually full of s*** so it`s nice to be of use.....perhaps best not to do the Horlicks thingy now though i somewhat suspect......


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