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One for muso`s with a taste for Marshall gear

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Wednesday, 4th July 2007, 22:23

This may sound like an odd one, but for any guitarists out there, if you see the Marshall demonstrator tour is visiting your local store I would recommend attending. They visited Speed music in Swansea last night (great 3 piece band, Chris George on guitar), and a cheap £2 entry which in Swansea included beer and barbecue! Anyway, to the point, they raffle 3 prizes, which considering only about 70 people turned up, was good, and although 3rd prize was just a little battery amp and tee shirt, cap etc, the 2nd was a small stack (head and two separate speakers and first prize was a 100watt combo! Have to say 2 people (unfortunately not yours truly, or my guitar toting son) went home well chuffed as both good prizes were worth in excess of £300 each!! so when you look at the odds it appears a good opportunity to blag a free amp. Anyway, just thought i`d mention it, lol...................................Twang!!!!

RE: One for muso`s with a taste for Marshall gear

The HMDR Alcohol Machine (Competent) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2007, 05:07

They are a good night out...

I went to one years ago.. when they bought out the original Valvestate amps... Geoff Whitehorn was guitarist doing the demo....

Anyhow... they were giving out posters... so me and my mate went up and got some... they were then taken off us and given to .... and I`ll describe this... some dodgy old looking bloke with a cap..... who signed them...

We were both a bit cheesed of with this... one poster was by Nigel Tufnell... "but it doesn`t go to 11"....

My mate suggested it was probably some unknown jazz guitarist who had signed it...

Later on.. we found out it was Jim Marshall... which was nice.... so I went back and got a signed Marshal T Shirt....

RE: One for muso`s with a taste for Marshall gear

Roger James (Elite) posted this on Thursday, 5th July 2007, 09:45

Lol@`some unknown jazz guitarist!` This one`s a true story, unlike some i`ve told, lol. Back in 1994 my wife and I were in Cardiff (The kids left with my in laws) and we went into Cranes music shop. There sitting at a table at the back was Jim Marshall, signing posters, so I duly queued and he signed it "To Roger, Jim Marshall 1994". Like most sad muso`s I was chuffed and took it home, after picking up the kids. I sat on the settee and my daughter who was 4 at the time sat next to me and watched me unroll the poster (It had a pic of the Clapton "Beano" album on it, with John Mayall, Clapton, John mcVie and the drummer, who`s name I didn`t know). Anyway, my little girl looks at the poster and says "That`s you!", pointing at the drummer. Indeed when I looked closely, the resemblance to a younger me was startling, even I thought it was me! lol At this point my son leaps from the chair opposite and rushes across, and sitting the other side of me goes "It IS you!" Thinking quickly I quietly muttered "Well, you know dad plays the guitar" (even then I had a housefull of the damn things), and my son adds "But thats Eric Clapton!" To which I added (norty I know) "Well, it was a long time ago".......At this point my son rushes to the kitchen to tell his mum that dad once played with Eric Clapton and I could hear my wife stifling a laugh as she says "Really?".......Anyway, I managed to keep it up for no more than 20 minutes at which point I put him out of his misery (I could imagine the conversations in the school yard..."My dad`s bigger than your dad"..........."Yeh but my dad played in a band with Eric Clapton!!" lol. So if you have a pic of the `Beano` album cover that`s me on the extreme right.................................`cept not really!

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th July 2007, 22:26

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