Page 1 of Colin McRae 04 (PC) - 3.99 pounds

Bargain Buckets Forum

Colin McRae 04 (PC) - 3.99 pounds

Richard Lloyd (Competent) posted this on Saturday, 16th September 2006, 23:46

HMV have Colin McRae 04 for the PC for 3.99 pounds here (postage is free). Yes, Amazon UK have it for 3.99 pounds too, but it`s only free postage if you spend 15 pounds or more.

BTW, I tried it in Vista RC1 (in XP SP2 compatibility mode) and it did run with 2 issues. Firstly, the installer complains about some Windows Media components it`s trying to install that are incompatible (so I skipped those). Secondly, the game appears to crash on exit, but just cancelling that seemed to return to the desktop OK.

Game itself is pretty sweet (nice graphics) and reckoned by some people to be better than the 2005 sequel.

This item was edited on Sunday, 17th September 2006, 00:46

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