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8 2500 mAhr AA NiMHbatteries - less than £10 incl P&P (+ free tester and cases)

Digiteer3 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 17:39

Hi, I have recently being looking for the best deal in rechargeable AA batteries.
By far the best I have found is from here:
Component Shop

The owner is an Electronics Engineer who has actually tested and approved these batteries and will answer any technical questions by return of email.

Rechargable Batteries are a little more complicated than I thought - ie different makes are definitely not the same quality, some manufactures over-egg capacities as who actually checks? etc. For Radio Control work, given the cost of the kit, skimping on battery quality is just not worth it.

I ordered 2 lots of these and they arrived next day, and can confirm that they are everything promised.

So although I`m sure you can find cheaper the combination of very reasonable price, quality product, free quality tech support plus a couple of free items like battery testers and cases, makes this a true bargain in my book - hence sharing in this forum. :)

Regards to all

RE: 8 2500 mAhr AA NiMHbatteries - less than £10 incl P&P (+ free tester and cases)

talkshop (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 17:59

Judging from your sales pitch....I would say you are spamming your own E B A Y items for sale.


RE: 8 2500 mAhr AA NiMH Batteries - less than £10 incl P&P (+ free tester and cases)

Digiteer3 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 18:03

I forgot to mention that whatever you do, get an "Intelligent" NiMh Charger for these.
Basically, such a charger will put a full charge in until it monitors that the cells are full and stops (called delta V detection).

This way, no matter what capacity batteries you have now or buy in the future, the charger will handle them correctly (don`t mix capacities though!) . Consumer models are totally automatic and can be bought to charge at various speeds - faster = more expensive.

Do NOT use an older NiCd Charger (unless it specifically states that it can handle NiMH too) and avoid cheaper "timer" chargers as they will put a preset charge in for a preset time only, so if you every get higher capacity batteries, it can never give you a full charge! It took me a while to work out why my (then) new 2000 mAhr set of AA batteries were never any better than my old 1800mAhr set using the same charger!

My approval of the seller in my previois post was in his help and advice in correctly configuring my "all singing - all dancing" new radio Control charger that has loads of settings but is is totally manual!


RE: 8 2500 mAhr AA NiMHbatteries - less than £10 incl P&P (+ free tester and cases)

Digiteer3 (Competent) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 18:14

TalkShop - my - so cynical ;)

Seriously though, I have no connection with them. Please check my other posts on this board to confirm (actually, you might have done that first :) )

There are so many boxshifters out there who don`t know / care about the stuff that they sell - it was good to find someone who actually knows what he is talking about for a change.

Iain (the Engineer I mentioned) has put a lot of effort into providing tech advice + helping me set up my charger with these batteries - the `sales pitch` from me was to confirm the service given the bargain price - which is what I was sharing with the group.


RE: 8 2500 mAhr AA NiMHbatteries - less than £10 incl P&P (+ free tester and cases)

Boiledbrain (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 19:33

Have used the same seller for a few sets of different batteries + this guy really is excellent... his batteries are top quality+ he posts them out straight away .... + i dont work for him either ... lol :D

RE: 8 2500 mAhr AA NiMHbatteries - less than £10 incl P&P (+ free tester and cases)

The G Man (Elite) posted this on Sunday, 28th August 2005, 19:58

While we are at , I have also used this seller on several occasions and all the NiMH batteries I have bought have been A1 and well priced. Maybe this should be in `Ebay` Retailer Review :)

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