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Info and forum posts by 'Saqib'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 17th April 2001, 22:55, Last used: Thursday, 9th February 2006, 01:28

Access Level: Elite

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 936 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.11 messages a day, or 0.78 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: NYPD Blue dvd

she was also an attorney in `philly` (cancelled now).

RE: NYPD Blue dvd

i dunno i couldnt look at danny in a grown up way - i remember him from `silver spoons` and just cant see him being an adult, let alone a nyc`er. caruso yeah he was good but sip and jim was just awesome. i remember them meeting in series two:

Andy Sipowicz: It`s no good, it`s not gonna work out.
Lt. Arthur Fancy: What isn`t?
Andy Sipowicz: I just met this new guy.
Lt. Arthur Fancy: Umm, Simone?
Andy Sipowicz: Yeah, that`s not gonna work out.
Lt. Arthur Fancy: What happened?
Andy Sipowicz: Oh, ho... don`t get me started. I mean, his attitude is all wrong. "How you doin`," this type of thing.
Lt. Arthur Fancy: He asked you how you were doing?
Andy Sipowicz: Yeah.

i love it :D

RE: NYPD Blue dvd

You`re welcome :). I personally can`t wait. It`s been years...Now just have to wait for good ol` Malcolm in the Middle. Dangit I wish somebody would kick Murdoch`s ass and get him to release all these shows. I think they had been held up for music copyright probs, but sheesh the guy bought 3 or so FLOORS of an apartment block in NYC, surely he can afford to pay gratuities.

RE: Most ignorant staff nominations

oh i thought we were talking retail shops.

If couriers, DHL SUCK (in my opinion and experience).

RE: NYPD Blue dvd

(no u after the q).

Yes - I have already preordered from

And I was wrong - it is in Feb not march.

Here and here.

This item was edited on Thursday, 5th January 2006, 11:42

RE: NYPD Blue dvd

i concur, but must admit i didn`t like it as much when jimmy smits left.

btw, season 3 will be released in region 1 in march.

RE: Most ignorant staff nominations

my nomination: staff at any dixons/currys branch.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 3rd January 2006, 18:41

RE: Wholesale DVD`s (Bulk order)

in case you don`t understand, the guy who is selling these to you is selling you pirates.

RE: Thinking of emigrating to U.S.........any advice?

I lived in NYC/Newark for a while - never felt so cut off from the world as I did then.

Of course you can always read but it sucks if you have nobody to discuss the world stories with. But hey you can always talk about the murder that happened live on TV via helicopters chasing the guy uptown and finally crashing into some poor pedestrian - much more entertaining :/

My advice - move to Canada instead. Less chance of getting killed for your car/wallet/anything.

Just my $0.02.

This item was edited on Sunday, 1st January 2006, 02:35

RE: Anyone stuck at work?

well let`s see - I just worked four night shifts starting 2100h to 0930 the next morning, and my first was on Dec 23rd.

I am also working 0900 to 2130h on Dec 31 and Jan 1.

Beat that.

EDIT: Oh yeah - was also asked to do Jan 3rd last night.

This item was edited on Tuesday, 27th December 2005, 16:24

Good riddance to rubbish - DVDSOON BITES THE DUST!!!

Email today:

Dear Client;

It is with a lot of regret and sadness that we must announce the closure
of the company 9086 - 8316 Québec Inc who managed the operations of

The assets of have been taken by Canadian
Distribution Services which means the site will remain open and all
activities will be maintained. Therefore all pending orders will be

Unfortunately all operations that were suspended and were the
responsibility of 9086 - 8316 Québec Inc will not be honored. These
operations include credits, refunds, replacement requests, and Fidelity

If you wish to obtain more information please send your questions to:

9086 - 8316 Québec Inc.
1001, Boul. Montarville #75023
Boucherville Québec
J4B 7Z2

We thank you for your support and your comprehension.

The Administration,

Personally I don`t believe them. Who in their right mind would take over a domain that has had so many people badmouthing them, and expect to make good sales? Unless you are simply the same company under a different name, trying to convince people that eveything is different now and to start buying with them again.


oh jeez. hey why don`t you just call hmrc (as they are now known) and tell them about this?

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

My apologies - I read that wrong last night/this am (it was 1am when I came across the story). So no, I will not admit that I am stirring, as I am not.

And Floyd - do a google search for `muslim march against terror`. Now do a google search for `irish march against IRA`.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th November 2005, 18:38

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

This Fallujah story is not`re talking like it`s some major shock swoop, it was a UN ratified assault, not a Bush/Blair personal effort...

Actually, yes it is new in that the US are admitting the use of `willie pete,` a fact previously denied emphatically by them. And UN ratified? No. The war was not UN ratified. You either ignore or fail to remember this. Many if not most legal experts in international law state that the resolution 1441 did not allow the war. Unless you know of any other resolution/ratification that I am unaware of? So yes it was a Bush/Blair effort.

And before you attempt to state that since the UN are now in the region, this in effect acts as an endorsement of the war, this point would mean that all wars where the UN have been after the outbreak of hostilities were UN ratified.

you are also choosing to ignore the vast efforts/resources the US/UN are putting into Fallujah

Big whoop that they are now piling money in - the US are looting the place before they do it - they have unmetered access to Iraqi oil.

Perhaps you should see this video:

So by your analogy, if Al-Qaeda or the Taleban state that they went after a military target who they thought was in the WTC but were mistaken, paid £1000million to the US to reconstruct the WTC, it would be acceptable?

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th November 2005, 17:59

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

And if you read above, you will see that I stated that I did NOT justify it.

I think that quote speaks for itself.

And what I meant was that the general population will not simply say `yeah ok let`s stop`. I don`t see how that means I am pro-suicide bombing or condone it, since I am simply stating the general mentality, not agreeing with it.

EDIT: just came across this:Quote:
Some scientists who have studied suicide bombers say this is not surprising - many of their subjects appear driven more by a love of the victims of perceived injustices rather than by any hatred of the injustices` perpetrators.
- which is what I was saying.



Failed Jordan hotel bomber had three brothers killed by U-S forces

By Associated Press

11/15/05 "AP" -- -- AMMAN, Jordan Friends of an Iraqi woman who admits trying to blow herself up in Jordan say three of her brothers were killed by U-S forces.

The family deaths could be a motivating factor in her effort to take part in last week`s triple hotel bombings that killed 60 people, including her husband and two other bombers.

One of her brothers was an alleged member of al-Qaida in Iraq and died during U-S operations in Fallujah. Friends say the other two brothers died in separate attacks against American troops in Ramadi.

In a televised confession, the woman said her explosives belt malfunctioned....
Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Still not an excuse for the bombing of a wedding party but hey when you have had three deaths of family, who knows what goes through your mind? It seems like Fallujah is more relevant than we thought.

This item was edited on Wednesday, 16th November 2005, 00:50

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

This really is the thread that has everything. Pro-Suicide Bombers, Anti-Religious `Racism`, Homophobia and po-faced piety. Best thread in a while? I think so!

Who is pro-suicide bombers?

This item was edited on Tuesday, 15th November 2005, 15:33

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

Nick I would agree with you but I don`t agree with the bits you have stated re Christians (i.e. change christians to non-muslims or, worse still, white), but the rest, yes, aside from the last bit.

I gotta go to work but would reserve the right to reply to your post in more detail later.

Flyer - :)

This item was edited on Monday, 14th November 2005, 13:00

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

:) I am just saying, maybe that there were. It`s not like we could state categorically that there weren`t? It`s not like the secret service would admit to this is it?

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

I was saying for all you know, yes you could be collateral damage as they may be going after some guy in your town that they knew was a spy or a general etc etc. And that could well be the same reason they targetted the party? I don`t know.

And if you read above, you will see that I stated that I did NOT justify it.

Anyway, getting off the point. As mildman stated, this should be about state vs non-state terrorism.

This item was edited on Monday, 14th November 2005, 12:44

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

My own. I doubt a terrorist video would talk about stopping, but I wouldn`t know since I have never seen one (or made or featured in one, in case you are wondering).

This item was edited on Monday, 14th November 2005, 12:39

RE: For Sale: The Shield - Seasons 1-3, Original (Canuck) Region 1

oops sorry season 3 is sold. other two still available.

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

So lemme get this straight: America can bomb the whole town in the fight to get one guy, who still escaped? So just before they blew up the whole place, the got confirmation that Sadr was in the town? Well, they must have.

As Team America said...`that was bad I.N.T.E.L.L.I.G.E.N.C.E.`

Based on your model, if I think that a city has a major general in it that I want killed, I would be justified in blowing up the whole city, even if it has people in it waving white flags, walking unarmed across a bridge (see the footage). Even if it has babies and children. Hmm, maybe the bombers should target St. Andrews next, since it has RAF planes and pilots.

And when you want to talk about respect for people and property, the army has shown no such problem blowing up buildings and mosques, so to state that Sadr has no respect is really hypocritical. Unless you use the argument that `it`s ok for him, so it`s ok for us` - which is what the bombers use.

I am considered a legitimate target

And no, I said that you would be collateral damage. Just like the civilians in Iraq.

This item was edited on Monday, 14th November 2005, 12:32

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

Which is my point. People in the East would find these same things justifiable, since the images they get would be those of the likes of Fallujah.

The end result being more bombs etc. Then more from the west. Then the east. And so on and so forth. Do not expect people to step back and say `ok enough` - people do not have that restraint, but governments should.

And my response was not to what was being reported. It was what people here feel about the situation. I know the media is a voice for policy - the Sun is a perfect example of this when it came to the recent vote.

This item was edited on Monday, 14th November 2005, 12:09

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

Well, maybe the innocents that occur in suicide bombings are what the US military would call `collateral damage`. And how does a WHOLE CITY constitute a legitmate military target?

And when you speak of wedding parties, isn`t that what the US has attacked in Iraq in the past, stating that it was a gathering of militants?

The attitude I was referring to was that of how one side (i.e. the west) seems to belittle the killing of non-Western people unless they are from `friendly` countries/communities. Hundreds if not thousands burned with chemical weapons in Fallujah is still not as `distressing` as fifty killed in Jordan. The fact that it is governments doing this and not rogue elements should make it all the more sad and angering, yet it doesn`t.

That, to my mind, is a sad state of affairs, and can only beget worse incidents. You can call this a prophecy if you so desire.

EDIT: Regarding whether I am justifying these incidents, no I am not. But others can and do. And still others find reasons behind them understandable. I have had discussions with people who lived through the Irish situation, where catholics were massacred etc., and all these people repeatedly said they abhorred what the IRA did in return, but they could understand it.

I pray this never happens to you, but if your family is killed by a country or their army, their skins burned off their body, their bodies mutilated, and those that survive need amputations, can you honestly tell me you would not want revenge?

In fact, is this not the very reason so many people are out for blood from the side of the US? Because of the attack on them? So it never happens again? Why then should these rogue elements not have the same thinking?

This item was edited on Monday, 14th November 2005, 12:03

RE: At the risk of offending...(Adults: caution advised)

So you find the wholesale destruction and massacre of a people by a government more acceptable and less `distressing` than tactics used by a `rogue element`? Why is indiscriminant bombing using chemical weapons akin to napalm better/less `distressing` than suicide bombing?

Is it because one is against civilians? Oh no wait - they both are.

Is it because one is done via a `suicide` and the other via distance? And if that is the case, should these rogue elements switch to using guided missiles when targetting the hotels? Would that be more acceptable and less `distressing`?

Or maybe because `these` people deserve no better. Which is the same argument that the `rogue elements` use as a banner under pictures of the dead from places like Falluja.

Perhaps it is attitudes like yours than give credance to the idea of a double standard existing - and thereby fuelling the resentment felt by `these` people. Resentment which then leads to development of radical ideas, and so easier recruitment by these rogue elements. Attitudes that lead to statements like the recent bomber`s recorded message, stating that `until we feel security, you will be our targets. And until you stop the bombing, gassing, imprisonment and torture of my people we will not stop this fight.`

If you have time, listen in to Radio 4`s `Quran And Country`.

This item was edited on Monday, 14th November 2005, 10:32

For Sale: The Shield - Seasons 1-3, Original (Canuck) Region 1

Mint condition. Watched once.


Season 1 - £11
Season 2 - £11
Season 3 - £20

Prefer to sell all three together for £40 all in.

Check my feedback - saqibhasan101 on ebay.

RE: Hollywood remaking another Asian flick. (Infernal Affairs)

I heard Brad Pitt had bought the rights to remake it in the US.

Personally anything else would be a let down - the HK flick is so so good, it would be hard to beat. I love the whole scene with the morse code.

RE: House Region 2 DVD?

Fargo accent: many people said they didn`t speak like that in Fargo but apparantly they do. (about one third down).

This item was edited on Sunday, 6th November 2005, 17:19