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Info and forum posts by 'The Shenk-man'

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Joined on: Friday, 23rd March 2001, 19:03, Last used: Friday, 23rd March 2001, 19:03

Access Level: Competent

About this user: Avid Warner fan. Sandy Frank Rules.

This user has posted a total of 84 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.01 messages a day, or 0.07 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

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Stephen Sommers` movies seem, amongst other things, to try and recapture the fun, excitement and sheer adventure of the Indiana Jones movies. He has Subsequently failed to do so with any of them and Van Helsing looks to be no different, which is a shame as it puts a seemingly good cast to waste.


This item was edited on Thursday, 6th May 2004, 17:29


Not really considered a classic but I think The English Patient is highly over praised.


This item was edited on Thursday, 6th May 2004, 12:08

The Simpsons season four

PlayUSA have the R1 of season 4 scheduled for 15th June. Does anyone know if and when the R2 will be released?


RE: Cricket supporters

Should non-English SKY viewers have to put up with the (clipped accent) terribly-terribly-english minority sport drivel that is cricket clogging up their channels for hours and hours on end.

Funny, I thought there was too much football coverage - on every channel!


RE: Luc Besson`s The Big Blue - R2 Lip Sync

Had mine for Christmas and it`s still out of sync. Also a mate of mine has the same problem so it must be a dodgy transfer, or even the film itself.


RE: The Fellowship Vs The Towers Vs The King (Extended or not) - your favourites.

As far as the theatrical cuts go, I`d have to rank them as -

3. TTT

Although still fantastic films I do think the theatrical cuts of TTT and ROTK feel a little pushed for time, simply hitting the beats without allowing the films room to breath. This became evident to me when seeing the extended cut of TTT, which really was superior on every level compared to it`s theatrical counterpart. I really couldn`t say which I prefer of the extended FOTR and TTT but I am sure that when ROTK in unveiled in it`s full 250 minute glory, that it will be elevated to the same incredible level as it`s extended predecessors.

Anyway, that`s just my opinion.


RE: Alien Quadrilogy - (Aliens) grainy ...

Boy, you said it, Chewie.

Actually I`d rather the transfer look grainy than be softened up. It`s also less ugly than the horrible digital artefacts evident on some transfers. I think that the grain adds character and has a cinematic feel about it. Just my opinion...and yes, I know I`m in the minority on this.


This item was edited on Friday, 13th February 2004, 18:21

RE: Wyatt Earp

Yeah, it`s not the bad movie people say it is.

I`ve got the Laserdisc but would love to get it on DVD. Sadly, though, I can`t find it on R1 or R2. Not sure if it`s out there on any other region.


RE: Why do Fox us?

As far as I know there is one commentary per film. Just because there maybe a commentary on both theatrical and extended versions on the R1 doesn`t mean we might miss out. Isn`t it possible that the theatrical versions contain shorter versions of the same commentaries - like the T2 Ultimate Edition had! If the R2 only has them on the longest versions we won`t be missing anything.

The R2 packaging does look a bit naff though.


RE: LOTR The Two Towers: Extended Edition Problems????

Could be a bad pressing. Don`t live with a faulty copy. Send it back and ask for a replacement.


RE: John Williams - THE King of Movie Music..

Have to agree, Williams is a great film composer, but personally feel his golden years really were when he composed the likes of Jaws, Close Encounters, Superman, Star Wars, Empire, Jedi, Raiders and ET. Saying that, Duel of the Fates was somewhat of a return to form.

He has done concerts over here, and what`s more, with the LSO. In fact he`s played cues from most of the above.

I didn`t realise those new discs were in Dolby Surround. I think the isolated score on the Superman DVD is in 5.1. What with albums now turning up on DVD audio in DD and DTS, just imagine what this kind of orchestral music would sound like...mmmmmmmm.


This item was edited on Monday, 24th November 2003, 15:10



Here’s a list of titles that I have which are pretty sound (couldn’t resist the pun!).

Ep1: The Phantom Menace (DD EX)
Ep2: Attack Of The Clones (DD EX)
L.O.T.R.: The Fellowship Of The Ring EE (DD EX/DTS ES) - go for the R1
L.O.T.R.: The Two Towers EE (DDEX/DTS ES)
Monsters Inc (DDEX/DTS ES)
Toy Story 2 (DD EX) R1 - not sure about R2
Seven (2 disc) (DTS ES)
E.T. (DD EX & DTS ES I think!)
A.I. (DD EX)
T2: Ultimate Edition (DD EX/DTS ES)

I don’t think Gladiator is in ES. I bought mine when it came out and, although it states DTS ES on the back, I don’t think it is. A friend of mine bought a re-issue of it and it now states just DTS.

Hope this helped you out.


This item was edited on Thursday, 20th November 2003, 21:49

RE: Terminator 3, Rise of the Machines (May contain spoilers)

Okay, I better start by saying T3 wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be, but then it wasn’t a masterpiece either. The original was. It was a simple idea brilliantly realised. The story was self contained enough not to warrant a sequel but due to it’s success we all knew one would happen. Subsequent sequels were bound to progressively confuse previous issues but then sequels are made for one reason – MONEY! With that in mind it was inevitable that either sequel would top the original.

As nearly everyone on this thread seems to be debating the tangibility of the dates through the series I thought I’d add my theory to the mix:

The events in The Terminator take place in 1984 and John Connor was born in 1985 – it makes sense (plus his birthday is stated as ‘85 on the profile pulled up by the T1000 on the cop car computer). According to T3 the events inT2 are meant to take place when he was 13 and that would mean it took place in 1998 – a year after Judgment Day and Sarah’s passing away!!! Now that doesn’t really confuse issues it’s just a plain ar$e up! I’m sure Connor was meant to be 10 or 11 in T2 and it would have made the aforementioned dates more tangible if the makers of T3 had left it so!

And with regard to some of the other postings, maybe this will help:

I remember reading the novel of T2 back in ’91. This was written by a friend of Cameron and was based on his script, before the budget and script editing process reduced the amount of screen time devoted to the future war at the beginning of the film. The first couple of chapters dealt with the machines being overthrown, the infiltration of Skynet, the capture of the time displacement equipment and Connor sending Kyle Reese back to 1984. Connor then discovers the remains of the T1000’s prototype liquid and realises the machines developed this as a contingency plan. This is when he decided to send the second, reprogrammed, T800 back.

The events in T2 just prolonged Judgment Day and eliminated Cyberdyne from the equation, so the technology that lead to the machines evolved a little differently to the original timeline of the previous movies. This could be why the existense of the TX, the ‘Termo-vision’, the Timesphere and other such things are a little different in T3. This actually makes sense but as for Connor’s age/events in T2, I have no idea what Mostow et al were thinking!

Don’t know if this has helped or confused matters.

It’s too hot to think.


This item was edited on Friday, 8th August 2003, 18:31

RE: What is crying out for a release ?

The Storyteller - tv show starring John Hurt.

The Original Star Wars Trilogy (not the Special Editions) - but I think we`ve all given up on that one!

When the Original Trilogy does arrive on dvd they are hinted at not only being the S.E.s but having further alterations and being presented as Ultimate Special Editions - to cover up the Quote:
MAJOR continuity errors
. Lucas is doing this to tie the new trilogy in with the old when he should have just made better prequels that tied in to start with.


RE: Heniz Tomato or HP Brown. Who gets your vote?

It`s got to be Heinz Tomato sauce.

I`d also say salad cream over mayonnaise,
salt and vinegar crisps over cheese and onion crisps.

RE: The Two Towers certified

Neither have been cut - thus far.

RE: The Two Towers certified

That`s good to hear. I know they left Fellowship alone but had wondered if the BBFC (in all their misjudgement and unpredictability) would trim the headbutt.


RE: Terminator 2 Extreme Ed


The theatrical version is branched from the special edition so yes, it is remastered. I`ve only listened to the audio commentary so far and that is informative, enlightening and amusing. I haven`t had time to watch the text commentary but what I`ve seen looks pretty interesting, as does the interactive option to break off from the main film and read/watch behind the scenes stuff at given moments.

I`ve never considered the R1 UE to have a great image transfer; especially considering the amount of praise it seems to receive. The EE is noticeably better, the colour in particular.

If you`ve already got the UE then you may not want to bother with another copy. If you`re a fan of Cameron or the movie then you might consider otherwise. The ideal solution is a compromise of disc2 from the UE and disc1 from the new EE.


RE: Terminator 2 Extreme Ed

Got mine yesterday and the image transfer is an improvement from the UE. Apart from the Cameron/Wisher commentary and a couple of short documentaries the extras are a bit thin on the EE, when compared to those on the UE.

If anyone`s interested, the theatrical version is included on disc 1 as an easter egg.


This item was edited on Sunday, 15th June 2003, 16:17

RE: the abyss - quick question

Except for the one instance on Ch4 it`s always been cut in the UK. The R1 is uncut plus it has a load more easter eggs than the R2. The downside is that both regions are 4:3 widescreen and not 16x9 enhanced.


RE: 20,000 Leauges Under The Sea R2 DVD Release Date

I was going to post the same question. It could be ages knowing R2. The R1 as it is due next week, I think.


RE: Lord of the Rings : Return of the King trailer?

I was certain they would attatch a trailer on the end of The Two Towers prints as they did with FOTR. A shame really.

Oh well. Roll on August!

This item was edited on Tuesday, 13th May 2003, 00:36

RE: Lord of the Rings : Return of the King trailer?

It looks like we`re all going to have to wait until the theatrical version of The Two Towers hits DVD in August for the first glimpse Return Of The King.


RE: Indiana Jones on BBC

“The opening is very good, and it has some good moments after that, but it now looks very dated…”

I disagree with you there, Rik. Watching it last night I thought it was as fresh and as brilliant as ever. The old adage `Much imitated. Never bettered` sprung to mind.

“…and Spielberg isn`t showing off the flair that he developed in later years.”

Got to disagree with you there too, I think it stands as an example of Spielberg at his best, in fact I consider his style less prominent now than it was in the days of Jaws, Close Encounters, E.T. and Raiders.

Then again it’s just a matter of opinion.

I’ve got the NTSC video of Temple Of Doom and I’d say the UK version is cut by about a minute overall - it’s quite .


RE: Die Another Day

Now how would Comic Book Guy put it? - Worst Bond film ever!

RE: How much are you prepared to pay for the Indy Trilogy?

"Men will ki11 for it. Men like you and me."

This item was edited on Wednesday, 7th May 2003, 16:41

LD player broken down! Help!

Does anyone know where I can get one of these dinosaurs repaired?


The Shenkman.

This item was edited on Friday, 11th April 2003, 01:51

RE: Will they relsease a Batman Special Edition

This title must be close to having a special edition. The vanilla release is always under a tenner and that could be an indication that something is in the pipeline. Personally I`d only like to see Burton`s two Batman films get an S.E. box set. I don`t want to waste any money on Joel Schumacher`s pathetic additions to the franchise!


RE: boggy creek dvd is it just a legend ?

The existance of the disc is not a legend. I have it on R1.

I ended up asking a relative in Canada to see if they could find a copy and they got it for me as recently as January this year.

Hen`s Tooth Video released it and the packaging states a 2002 release so if it is deleted then it wasn`t given long on the market, unless they plan on re-releasing it! It`s only a pan and scan/mono transfer with a far from remastered print but it was just good to see it again as I remember watching it years and years ago on BBC 2.

Have you tried the internet?

I Hope this info has helped in some way.


This item was edited on Monday, 24th March 2003, 14:24