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Info and forum posts by 'bowfer@home'

This user hasn't used our main site yet, so has no main account at present.

Joined on: Tuesday, 16th June 2009, 17:30, Last used: Monday, 29th March 2010, 15:30

Access Level: Competent

About this user: This user has chosen not to submit a description :(

This user has posted a total of 110 messages. On average, since joining, this user has posted 0.02 messages a day, or 0.14 messages a week. In the last 30 days, this user has posted 0 messages, which is on average 0 messages a day.

Recent Messages Posted:

RE: Liverpool 09/10 Season Thread

Has Paull mentioned Vidic`s elbow against the Bolton flop?

Just checking.

RE: The Official Celtic 09/10 thread

Come on, Choagy, why the hell would Woy Hodgson be interested in the Celtic job?
Same with Lambert.
Both are doing well in England.
Coming to Celtic would be a massive step backwards for them.
Mowbray only did it because he was with a struggling side.
Hodgson isn`t with a struggling side and Lambert is probably on the `watch list` of quite a few bigger clubs.

RE: The Official Celtic 09/10 thread

Maybe try remembering what you type, mbilko?
You said, and I quote, "lose 4 goals to 2nd rate teams"
That suggests you think you`re better than said team, it certainly does not suggest you think you`re on a par with said 2nd rate team.
But you`ve now suggested you are 2nd rate after all, which contradicts your first stance.
And with which I agree, yes you are 2nd rate.

And it doesn`t matter how old I will ever get, I`ll always enjoy seeing your mobs greetin` faces at Pittodrie.

This item was edited on Sunday, 14th February 2010, 16:29

RE: The Official Celtic 09/10 thread

why wel lose 4 goals to 2nd rate teams

also showed a lack of respect

Hypocrite alert :D

Funny, but I watched Aberdeen score 4 goals against a second rate team today.
And one where one of the players is being paid more than the entire Aberdeen squad put together. :D

This item was edited on Saturday, 13th February 2010, 18:09

RE: The Official Celtic 09/10 thread

4-2 and you f***ed it up
4-2 and you f***ed it up


RE: Liverpool 09/10 Season Thread

Walk on....limp off
Let the doc, do his part
Coz you`re name is Mike Owen
Your name is Mike Owen
Walk on....limp off.....

RE: Is there a website to see property sales for free?

Honestly, what a sad dick you are.

Christ knows this forum is dying a death as it is, you`re one to test even the most hardened user.

This item was edited on Friday, 21st August 2009, 20:56

RE: Is there a website to see property sales for free?

Well they`re wrong then, aren`t they!

RE: Is there a website to see property sales for free?

I`m not going to say this again, but I paid £185k for my house.
It was a fixed price.
End of.

RE: Is there a website to see property sales for free?

Seems to me YOU never can be never be wrong though.

Unless you`re suggesting I don`t know what I paid for my house, or when I moved in, then I can`t be wrong in this instance, can I?

RE: %

Bringing up the population of 35000 is perfectly relevant.
As is the town`s population of 5100.
Unless they have a rich benefactor, it stands to reason that they are the same as most teams and bums-on-seats are one of their largest revenue streams, next to (possibly) TV revenue.
I wouldn`t have thought it a stretch to accept this.
Obviously why a city like London can support umpteen teams, yet Inverness can only (barely) support one.
Direct corrolation, I would say, between town population, the size of the attendance and therefore the size of the team (unless some eejit like Miles whathisface decides to treat the team as his personal folly).
I tell you what is irrelevant though, Choagy`s comments that the team is full of German players.
So what?
Does that automatically make those players good?

For some reason, Choagy wishes to distance Falkirk from the rest of the embarrassing results.
Ok to slag off Aberdeen and Hearts, Falkirk can`t be criticised for losing to a team from a town of 5100. :/

Not in my book, right up there with any of the bad results.
I have no axe to grind with Falkirk either, I`m neither up nor down about them.
I`m just stating things as I see them.

RE: %

Where does the population of either the country or town dictate the quality of the team

So assuming their ground is always close to empty, who`s paying their wage bill?
Do you have any evidence they`re a anything other than a skint team?

RE: %

Sorry mate, Vaduz are a far better team than we thought or the experts and armchair fans who were not even at the games gave them credit for. As others have posted, FIFA/ UEFA rankings are a waste of space so the fact we were beaten by a team ranked lower than is neither here nor there as is the 35,000 population pish

So, let me get this right.
The experts thought Vaduz were a poor side.
The UEFA rankings puts them lower than Falkirk.
35000 population in the entire country has nothing to do with it.
Presumably 5100 population in the town of Vaduz has nothing to do with it either.
As does the fact they`re the only full time team in Lichtenstein?

Sorry, Choagy, but everything points to them utter crap.
If they appeared not to be, in the flesh, wouldn`t you say the evidence points towards Falkirk being even worse? :/

I stand by my statement that losing to a team like Vaduz is just as embarassing, if not more so, than the other results.

This item was edited on Friday, 21st August 2009, 18:24

RE: Is there a website to see property sales for free?

This would explain the gap in dates

Nah, I don`t accept that.
7 months is too wrong to be right.

RE: Coronation Street no longer on Wednesday nights

Had to laugh at one of the Aberdeen crowd on Sat.
Shouting at Samaras

"Ye ridiculous lookin` human"

Quality. :D
IMO, he looks like a startled Freddie Mercury.

RE: TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR thread season 2009/2010

More rumours Harry will be at Parkhead tonight, to watch Scott Brown.
I seriously hope we don`t spend any dosh on this guy, I fail to see how he would add anything to the squad at all.
His one and only real `ability` is his combative nature.
That`s putting it politely.
Polacios does it better though, and can distribute the ball a damned sight better.

In Harry we trust though...unless he signs a muppet.... :/

RE: The Official Celtic 09/10 thread

More rumours that Redknapp will be at Parkhead tonight.
Ho hum. :¦

RE: 1980`s help...

Black jumpsuit and a red belt, you are a Numanoid.
If only I could fit into mine now...

RE: TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR thread season 2009/2010

2 words - Dimitar Berbatov

IIRC, he was on around £48k a week when he left.
I wonder if Man U fans think he`s worth the extra they`re paying him..... ;)

RE: TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR thread season 2009/2010

Off topic, but read the other day that Spurs have the lowest wages to turnover ration in the Premiership,

I wish this were pointed out more often.
Spurs have always had a pretty strict wage structure.
One cannot help but speculate as to whether it`s holding us back though.

RE: Gordon Ramsay Facing Bankruptcy

Getting "big for his boots" really isnt something that is going to have effected the financial well being of his restaurants

Come on, Fowler, you can`t actually believe this? :/
Surely you can see how his public persona will influence bums on seats.
If people turn on him, they turn on his restaurants.
There will be a direct correlation, I guarantee it.

RE: Gordon Ramsay Facing Bankruptcy

He does also say he "is no businessman"

Perhaps he should remember that when he`s doing his `kitchen nightmares` series then.
He`s forever giving people business advice.
Maybe he should just stick to teaching them how to cook properly.

Much as it pains me, I have to agree with Kebabhead on this one.
I simply think he`s got too big for his boots and is suffering from a backlash as much as the recession.
For example, I know many women used to like him.
They`ve turned against him since his `alleged` affairs.
Said women will certainly have an influence on where any socialising money goes.

This item was edited on Friday, 14th August 2009, 14:06

RE: TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR thread season 2009/2010

I`m in two minds with this sort of thing.
On one hand, knuckle down and behave yourself for the 10 years you`re at the top of your game.
On the other hand, must be hard for a 24 year old millionaire with time on his hands not to act like a big-time Charlie.

RE: Gordon Ramsay Facing Bankruptcy

That`s what I was thinking, Mills.
He`s nowhere near being bankrupt, earning approx £10million P.A. for book and TV deals.
His company will be a limited company, so he`s protected.
TBH, I think his chickens are coming home to roost.
One cannot be seen on telly chastising desperate restaurant owners for using ready-made/prepared food, then be seen to pre-prepare one`s own food in a factory style kitchen, miles away from the bistro you`re serving it in.
The guy`s a massive hypocrite.
I also feel these people often reveal too much on TV, sometimes.
For example, he will gladly tell a restauranteur to buy wine @ £3 a bottle and sell it at £30+.
You just told me what your ridiculous mark-up is?
And you still expect me to buy wine in your restaurant?
Perhaps that`s why he was moaning more and more people are ordering tap water in his establishments. :/
Nothing to do with the credit crunch, more something sticking in their throats.... :D

This item was edited on Friday, 14th August 2009, 12:25

RE: TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR thread season 2009/2010

Bentley done for drink driving.

RE: Revealing the names and faces of Baby P`s killers - Why??

and hoped that the parents of baby P will continue to live in fear for the rest of ther lives.

Hear hear.
I can`t imagine their prison lives being anything other than `edgy`, that`s for sure.
As for when they get out, the authorities will have a bloody difficult time keeping their whereabouts secret.
There are, or will be, umpteen poorly paid people willing to divulge information for a newspaper`s chequebook.
They will become paranoid, that`s for sure.
Maybe terrified at the sound of a door opening, that sort of thing.
You know, like the poor little sod they tortured and killed probably was.

RE: Out of office

It would appear that we might get a better exchange rate in Egypt than the UK

I`ve yet to come across a country that doesn`t give you a better rate there than here.
Can be quite a difference.
For example, when we went to the Czech republic, the best rate we could here was around 28 crowns to the pound.
Just about every bureau in Prague was giving 32/33 to the £ though.
When you`re looking at changing £500+, you`re basically looking at (minimum) a free night out courtesy of the R/E.
:/ 8)

RE: Out of office

Is that near Lesbos?


RE: Sir Bobby Robson`s dead then.

Oooh, quick!
An apparent opportunity to clumsily clamber on a high-horse!

Sadly, you`re miles off.

If you seriously cannot tell the difference between a matter of fact thread like this and a lack of respect, you`re even more simple than I thought.
Tell me this, just to illustrate my point.
If I`d posted the exact same thread, but with a little sad smiley, would you be objecting?
So you need that extra little pointer, do you?
Or are you one of those who likes transparent displays of fake emotion, like RIP, sadly missed etc.etc.?

Simpleton. :¦
F***ing simpleton.

This item was edited on Sunday, 2nd August 2009, 19:09