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Info and forum posts by 'Aces709'

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Joined on: Wednesday, 21st April 2004, 07:12, Last used: Wednesday, 3rd February 2010, 01:42

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RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

Why aren`t you suing the company you work for for the stress and mental upset their negligence has caused you. Have you not explored this avenue with your solicitor

The company went into voluntary liquidation 2 months later (which is part of the reason I accepted offer of Company credit card to pay for my insurance rather than my expenses. I knew the company had a cash flow crisis and this way allowed them an extra month or so to find the money)

There is no recourse against either the liquidator or my old boss. Plus its a separate issue which has been resolved as I was in the end given no points or fines re driving. Its now over as far as the driving issues, all that now remains is the spurious claim.

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

Mr Basbat

Do you bother reading the posts???????

MY FIRST post states that the MIB solicitor has TOLD ME that they have done this as its what they normally do in ALL situations.

The previous poster has done exactly what I did when I first heard of the MIB and checked their site out. WHAT HE HASN`T DONE (and I don`t think can do as I haven`t been able to find anything relevent on their site) is gain information FROM the DRIVERS point of View.

Hence one of the reasons I asked here.

What is pointless is you and him prattling on about I deserve it etc. I only need to knock on the parents door for that as they live less than 10 mins walk away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What I needed and in the most part got was advice and help.

I`ve contacted a solicitor who seems to think that I have an extremely good case for counter suing the parents.

Being honest its not what I wanted but am coming round to the idea as their attitude stinks and with your comments it seems that maybe I am justified in going after them.

In all honesty what I wanted was an end to this so I can get back to `normal` as I was doing but it seems the longer I remain unwell the better of financially I might be.

It goes completely against my own beliefs but as you and his parents seem to think he shouldn`t be held accountable for his own actions; maybe if I do get a pay out it`ll stop others trying it on so to speak.

Anyway, this will be my last post on this issue and again Thanks to those who did help.

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

To you all - Thanks those of you who have tried to help - I really appreciate it.

To basbat and the other guy - you 2 either are on here just to wind me up or you haven`t properly read the posts.




As I`ve said I came on looking for some advice FOR ME not the kid or his family as basbat (maybe he`s the kids father?) wants to offer.

Again - Thanks to those who have posted genuinely.

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

Their side of the story eh?

Ok well let me tell you what happened. I, as I`m sure most people would; felt awful. I asked the policeman to check with the parents if it would be ok if I phoned to see how their son was. The copper said he thought that would be a great gesture on my part and went on to praise my outlook considering as he had just said to me (and I can quote this verbatim) "Having spoken to the witness and his friend I can tell you that if I had been driving this; I wouldn`t have been able to avoid him and I`ve had advanced driving and police training so concentrate on that and don`t start trying to replay the accident in your head. There was absolutely nothing you could have done."

The parents said it would be ok for me to phone and I did 2 days later. I spoke to his fathe who thanked me for phoning and 3 times during the conversation told me thee didn`t blame me and knew it wasn`t my fault and to "get back behind the wheel as quick as you can"

Personally I have a real downer on the parents for trying to claim money for their own negligence in bringing their son up NOT to `follow the green cross code`

Now to be fair to them I think they probably did bring him up to follow it but as he was talking to his mate he didn`t follow it.

HOWEVER to try and gain money by deception in now stating its my fault (via a back street lawyer - according to his statement he`s took it to 3 others who have told him they wouldn`t take the case) is deceitful, despicable, and just plain wrong.

I can not understand how YOU can`t see that????????????

I also object most strongly to you saying I`d do the same which is why I put you right in how I as a responsible adult would have reacted.

How can you justify your words that the parents are right to seek recompense?????????????????????????????????????????

I honestly can`t understand your position - it doesn`t matter as I`m the one facing the problems which is why I asked for advice but you have just continually attacked me and I don`t think that you should have posted if you weren`t able to do what I asked in the heading Can Anyone offer advice please?"

Where is your advice?????????????????????????????????????????/

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

I`m asking you to state why you believe (in your own words)

May I just defend the kids parents here, their child was knocked down by an uninsured car driver surely you can`t criticize them for seeking legal advice and following that said advice, surely anybody who cares about their kids would have followed that route.

Is there a reason why you can`t do this?

Are you just on here to wind people up?

I came on with a genuine request (there is no point in me not giving true facts) and really apart from have a go at me for being uninsured you haven`t contributed anything.

Now you want to Defend (your word) and I`ve asked you to say why.

Yet you skip on this claiming its for a solicitor!

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

Sorry just got a little carried away when I saw Basbat`s latest - I would still like him to explain though

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

Can I ask you WHY?

I have a major problem with it and explained why but I can`t for the life of me offer any defence for the parents - apart from money grabbing scum!!!!!

Please explain to me how THEY DESERVE anything for their failure to instil a basic premise into their son.

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?


Can I make something clear here Mr Basbat.

He HAS NOT been awarded damages - thats the advice I`m after!!!!

We have a no win no fee solicitor who has approached the motor insurance bureau for a payout. the motor insurance bureau have said they are willing to pay out 40% of what they want to avoid the trouble of going to court.

They have put this to me in the hope I will accept and knowing the MIB is government funded. They KNOW they will get their money from me IF and only IF I sign.

I wanted advice because I was in no way shape or form to blame for the accident (NOT even 1%) - again I have police evidence to back this up (as well as the fact they didn`t charge me with anything at the scene) plus his mate`s statement that he was looking away from me talking to his mate and stepped into the road whilst looking in the opposite direction. BUT his parents are now trying to get money for this!!!!!

Now I know you have a problem with me as an uninsured driver and IF I had stolen a car and had this accident or just hadn`t bothered to pay my insurance I would wholeheartedly agree that I deserve everything that`s coming my way and more besides.

THAT however IS NOT the case. The court have appreciated that and now I need to STOP someone basically DISREGARDING THEIR SON`S neglect and PROFITEERING from what has been for all parties (The Kid, His family and ME) a terrible situation but of HIS OWN MAKING.

Can you understand now?

Again to the rest of you my sincere appreciation for your comments. I have a solicitor phoning me tomorrow afternoon to see what can be done.

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

Mr Basbat

NO I wouldn`t. Its like I said MY code of ethics WOULDN`T allow me to do something that is so blatantly WRONG.

Like I`ve said by all means call me stupid or naive but I have been brought up to act responsibly, to RESPECT others and to KNOW the difference between RIGHT and WRONG.

IF it was MY SON who (by his friends admission) wasn`t looking and stepped out into the road then I`d be more likely to berate my son (once I know he`s alright) for not following what should be 2nd nature to him at 12 years old.

IN no way would I even CONSIDER blaming the driver let alone try and obtain MONEY???????????????????????????????????????????

To me it`s fraud in everything bar name.

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?


They did, as I was driving uninsured (albeit unknowingly) but the copper who charged me also provided a statement saying that with his experience he believed that I believed I was insured - if that`s readable!

I also got a statement from my former MD who stated that he agreed as company was going through a cash flow crisis to pay for my insurance on co credit card rather than pay me in cash my expenses, and I also got letter from liquidator who stated he saw the charge on card statement and thought it was a co policy so he cancelled the remainder of the policy and got the credit issued to him as the liquidator.

It was only when I phoned him frantic as I had my car seized he realised what he had done!

Like I say I`m not looking for sympathy just some advice. I`ve got to ring back this afternoon to a couple of solicitors so we`ll see what happens then.

To the guy that said I should have got advice sooner - It never crossed my mind that someone would even think of trying to get money from their own son`s negligence.

They have and now I`ve got to sort out how to defend against it - that`s why I need some advice - call me naive or plain stupid but my own code of ethics wouldn`t entertain such despicable actions and now I`m suffering for it!!!!!

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

Thanks to you all for your advice.

Also just to try and sum up for those accusing me.

No - I`m teetotal, No never taken drugs.

I`m the old cliche of a respectable person that has never been involved with anything wrong.

My car was uninsured BUT my licence is clean as the COURT believed ALL my evidence that I produced which included statements from THE POLICE who agreed that I did believe I was insured, Letters from the ex MD and the Liquidator who said he was WRONG to have cancelled my insurance but he thought it was a company scheme.

I have `paid enough` as although the court found me innocent I lost 14 years of incident free driving and my insurance is now over £700 as I`m back at introductory no claims.

Maybe its me but I just can`t see how anyone can see their son in hospital through his own stupidity then try and claim money from me!!!!

No one knows the hell I`ve been through - not looking for sympathy or owt just really can`t understand whats happening to me to make me the bad guy when I aint.

I will consult a solicitor and see what they say.

To you all I do sincerely thank you for your advice

RE: Can Anyone offer advice please?

The police got witness statement of one person who backed up what I said, unfortunately I wasn`t with it enough to get witness details.

According to CAB - its "highly unlikely" that I could counter sue - although I was asking about negligence as opposed to medication.

The MIB have said that I can withdraw from them and they won`t settle; however civil matters are dealt with differently than criminal and if they came after me directly a judge could still find against me!

I just don`t know which way to turn! I thought that the law was supposed to help me but it seems not.

Can Anyone offer advice please?


I am at my wits end.

Long story short - I was driving without insurance UNKNOWINGLY and kid ran out into road and I hit him.

Police said it wasn`t my fault and after proving to court I knew nothing about insurance side my licence wasn`t endorsed. Basically insurance had been paid by company in lieu of expenses but company shut down 2 months later and liquidator had cancelled policy without telling me and even though it was private insurance the company refunded company credit card!

Anyway Parents of boy have now gone to no win no fee solicitor and Motor insurance broker (because its easier - told to me in those words by their solicitor) have agreed to pay 40% of what the claimant asking for - they then supposedly get money from me.

I was in the right the kid was talking to his mate looking the opposite way and just walked out onto my bonnet.

What can I do as I don`t feel they should profit out of their kids wilful negligence.?

I have been on Anti Depressants since the incident and just getting off them but this has really knocked me for 6.

Any and all help / advice will be greatly appreciated.


RE: Musical Rights?

I would have thought the first place would be Cameron Macintosh as he has just taken the West End version (and then toured here) over to Broadway. I also think his office would point you in the right direction if its not the Great man himself.

RE: Dual Layer NEC 2510 £47 at Aria

Don`t touch Aria.

They aren`t very good at all, their staff are rude and the customer service skills are non existent.

They are only interested in getting your money, USE THEM AT YOUR PERIL!

RE: CUSTOMS CHARGES...They`re having a laugh arn`t they?

Customs ONLY charge 17.5% - That`s only if the limit for buying outside the UK has been reached. The Post office then add their own charges (or the distribution company) - this is for actually putting it through Customs.

I think it`s rather excessive, but coming from a freight forwarding background I can also understad the problems the distribution company can face.